Introduction Of Food

Hello Welcome To my Blog . I am Muhammad Nur Iman . Today I will explain about introduction of food. Let's begin.

What is Food?

Food is any solid or liquid that when swallowed to the body give growth and repair tissue and cell on the body, energy and regulation to all body activity that both mental and physical.

All food made up from 5 categories of nutrients:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fats
3. Minerals
4. Proteins
5. Minerals

Other substances in food: Water and Roughage.

Cooking is defined as the transfer energy of energy from heat source to food and alter the food molecular structure by:

-Changing Texture

What will happen when we cook food?Carbohydrate
.Simple sugar
- caramelize
.Complex/starches gelatinize
-Protein - coagulate
-Vitamins and minerals-oxidize
-Water evaporates

1.To make the food taste good.
2.To destroy undesirable microorganisms.
3.To make the food easy to digest.

Three methods of heat transfer


.Heat moving from one item to something that touching it
.Heat moving with an item


.Heat spread by the movement of air, steam or liquid
.Natural convection 
.Mechanical convection 


.Energy is tranferred by waves from the source to the food
.Infrared cooking 
.Microwave cooking

There are three types of cooking methods

Then Moist-heat cooking methods

                                                     And then Dry-heat cooking methods

Dry-heat methods using fat 

Combination of cooking methods

First step: brown the main ingredient using dry heat

Second step: complete cooking by simmering the food in liquid
.Small amount of liquid
.Enough liquid to cover the food

Seasoning and flavoring
Seasoning enhancing the natural flavor of the food without significantly changing its flavor. Salt is the primary seasoning.

Flavoring adding a new flavor to the food, thus modifying the original flavor.

                                              Herbs and Spices

Herb: Any of a large group of aromatic plants whose leaves, stems or flower are used as a flavoring. 
- Used either dry or fresh

Spices: Any of a large group of aromatic plants whose bark, roots, seeds, buds or berries are used as flavoring.
- Usually used in dry form, whole or ground. 

And Thank you for reading my blog


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