
Showing posts from August, 2017


Hi it's me again , today our last topic for theory of food is Eggs and Dairy Products.  Eggs  Composition 1. Yolk                       2. White                       3. Shell Grades and Quality . USDA grades eggs for quality (Grades AA, A, and B) . Eggs lose density with age.   Eggs Composition Eggs Sizes and Forms Size . Eggs are graded by size [minimum weight per dozen] Market Forms  . Fresh or shell eggs  . Frozen eggs. . Dried Eggs.  Cooking Eggs and methods of cooking  . Avoid high temperatures and long cooking time . Consider: Cougulation                    Sulfur                    Foam Freshness of eggs Dairy Products The most common is cow milk, such as butter yogurt, sour cream, and cheese. Milk from other an


Understanding Potatoes Waxy or new potatoes  . High moisture , high sugar , low starch content  . Holds shape well when cooked. . Used for salads, soup, hashed browns. Mature or starchy potatoes, Russets or Idahos and All-Purpose . High starch content, low sugar and moisture  . Light, dry, and mealy when cooked. . Ideal for baking, french fries . All purpose potatoes, not as dry and starchy as russets. Irregularly shaped, less expensive than      russets. Varieties of Potatoes . New potatoes - harvested before full maturity, lower starch content skins. . Russets  . All-purpose potatoes  . Yellow fleshed potatoes - includes Yukon gold Potatoes. . Red-skinned potatoes. . Blue-skinned potatoes. . Fingerling  potatoes. Checking for Quality  High-quality potatoes have these qualities. - Firm and smooth. - Dry skin. - Shallow eyes. - No Sprouts. - No green color. - cracks, blemishes, and rotten. Storin


Hello it's me again . Today we gonna learn about Understanding Vegetables. What is vegetable? > Were at one time, abused neglected and unimportant. > Today, vegetables are appreciated for their nutrition , variety, flavor, eye appeal, and sophistication . > Vegetables are highly perishable. Controlling quality changes during cooking  Cooking that affects vegetables in 4 ways . Texture . Flavor . Color  . Nutrients Controlling Texture Changes . Starch is another vegetables component that affects texture . Dry starch food must be cooked in enough water to absorb moisture and soften. . Moist starchy vegetables have enough moisture of their own but must be cooked to be eaten. Doneness . A vegetable is done when it has reached its peak degree of tenderness. . Most vegetables are best cooked al dente (firm to the bite) . Cooked vegetables cannot be kept hot very long. Controlling Flavor Changes


  TDC 111 THEORY OF FOOD REPORT NAME: MUHAMMAD NUR IMAN BIN ABDUL RAZAK STUDENT ID: 00000102367 SEMESTER 2 LECTURER: Cheff Mohd NA'AIM MOHAMED DATE: 19 AUGUST 2017 TIME: 8.00 AM - 11.00 AM LOCATION: PASAR BESAR KOTA KINABALU, SURIA SABAH AND TONG HING SUPER MARKET PIC: CHEF AZNI AND CHEF KHAIRUL TEAM LEADER: MUHAMMAD NUR IMAN SUBJECT: TDC 312 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE                    TDC 302 MALAYSIAN CUISINE                    TDC 322 COMMERCIAL FOOD PRODUCTION Group divided into 2 group to buy the product  First Group buying product Malaysian Cuisine and Commercial food production Second Group buying product International Cuisine  First Group: 1. Muhammad Nur Iman Bin Abdul Razak                       2. Reski Bin Tamrin                       3. Jerom Luis                       4. Siti Syahana Bin Mohd Syahrin                       5. Molenah Sabian                    


Composition and Structure  The edible flesh of fish is like meat and poultry, consisting of water, protein, fats and a small amount of minerals, vitamins. Fish has very little connective tissue. This is a very important difference between fish and meat. It means: 1. Fish cooks quickly 2. Fish is naturally tender  3. Moist-heat cooking is not used to tenderize but to provide moistness. 4. When cooked, fish tends to fall apart easily. Cooking Fat and Lean Fish  Lean fish are low in fat (like flounder, sole, cod). . Moist heat methods - Lean fish is well suited to poaching  . Dry heat methods - If broiled or baked, lean fish should be basted . Dry heat methods with fat - Lean fish may be friend or sauteed. The fish gains added palatability from the added fat. Fat fish are high in fat (like salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel). . Moist - heat methods - Lean fish can be poached like lean fish  . Dry heat methods - Fat fish are well suited t

Understanding Poultry and Game Birds

Hello Welcome again to my blog . Its me again , today we gonna learn about  CHAPTER 5: UNDERSTANDING POULTRY AND GAME BIRDS Composition and Structure The muscle tissue contains: Water (Approximately 75% water) Protein (20%) Fat (Up to 5%) Small amounts of elements and carbohydrates Muscle consists muscle fibers are held together by connective tissue Young birds are almost always more tender than older birds. Bird that do fly always have dark meat. Maturity and Tenderness Tenderness of a piece of meat or poultry is related to connective-issue and that connective-issue with: Use or exercise of the muscle Maturity and age of the animal and bird Young, tender birds are cooked by dry heat methods, such as broiling, frying, roasting, and moist methods. Older tough birds are primarily cooked by moist heat. "Light Meat" and "Dark Meat" Light Meat: Less fat, less connective tissue, cooks faster. Ex: Breast and wings Dark Me