Composition and Structure 

The edible flesh of fish is like meat and poultry, consisting of water, protein, fats and a small amount of minerals, vitamins.

Fish has very little connective tissue. This is a very important difference between fish and meat. It means:
1. Fish cooks quickly
2. Fish is naturally tender 
3. Moist-heat cooking is not used to tenderize but to provide moistness.
4. When cooked, fish tends to fall apart easily.

Cooking Fat and Lean Fish 

Lean fish are low in fat (like flounder, sole, cod).
. Moist heat methods - Lean fish is well suited to poaching 
. Dry heat methods - If broiled or baked, lean fish should be basted
. Dry heat methods with fat - Lean fish may be friend or sauteed. The fish gains added palatability from the added fat.

Fat fish are high in fat (like salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel).
. Moist - heat methods - Lean fish can be poached like lean fish 
. Dry heat methods - Fat fish are well suited to broiling and baking. It removes excess oilness.
. Dry heat methods with fat - Fat fish can be cooked in fat, but take care to drain before serving. 

Fish Market Forms 

Handling and Storage 

The most important concern with storage is temperature 
. All fish should be stored at -1 celcius to 1 celcius
. Keep moist
. Prevent fish odors from tranferring to other foods 
. Protect the delicate flesh from bruising and being crushed.

Storage time not exceed 1 to 2 days, if fresh


Fish and shellfish are low in calories, fat, and sodium and high in vitamins A, B, and D and protein. Fish are group of polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega 3.


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