Hi it's me again , today our last topic for theory of food is Eggs and Dairy Products. 


Composition 1. Yolk
                      2. White
                      3. Shell

Grades and Quality
. USDA grades eggs for quality (Grades AA, A, and B)
. Eggs lose density with age.


Eggs Composition

Eggs Sizes and Forms

. Eggs are graded by size [minimum weight per dozen]

Market Forms 
. Fresh or shell eggs 
. Frozen eggs.
. Dried Eggs. 

Cooking Eggs and methods of cooking 

. Avoid high temperatures and long cooking time
. Consider: Cougulation

Freshness of eggs

Dairy Products

The most common is cow milk, such as butter yogurt, sour cream, and cheese.
Milk from other animals such as goats, sheep, and buffaloes are used in various cheeses.
Dairy products are extremely versatile and used throughout the kitchen.

. Dairy products are high in vitamins, minerals, and protein.
. Milk is fortified with vitamins A and D.
. Does contain cholesterol.

. Liquid milk that comes from cows is called raw milk.
. At this point it may contain disease-causing bacteria or other organisms.
. In order to make the milk safe for human consumption it is pasteurized. This process rapidly heats and cool the milk. Pasteurized milk has been heated to 72 celsius . This kill the disease causing microorganisms.


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