Understanding Potatoes

Waxy or new potatoes 
. High moisture , high sugar , low starch content 
. Holds shape well when cooked.
. Used for salads, soup, hashed browns.

Mature or starchy potatoes, Russets or Idahos and All-Purpose
. High starch content, low sugar and moisture 
. Light, dry, and mealy when cooked.
. Ideal for baking, french fries
. All purpose potatoes, not as dry and starchy as russets. Irregularly shaped, less expensive than      russets.

Varieties of Potatoes

. New potatoes - harvested before full maturity, lower starch content skins.
. Russets 
. All-purpose potatoes 
. Yellow fleshed potatoes - includes Yukon gold Potatoes.
. Red-skinned potatoes.
. Blue-skinned potatoes.
. Fingerling  potatoes.

Checking for Quality

 High-quality potatoes have these qualities.

- Firm and smooth.
- Dry skin.
- Shallow eyes.
- No Sprouts.
- No green color.
- cracks, blemishes, and rotten.


. Keep in a cool dry, dry place, ideally at 12 degree celcius - 16 degree celcius.
. Do not refrigerate below 7 degree celcius because the starch will convert to sugar.
. New potatoes do not keep well. Purchase one week at a time.

Market Forms

Type of cooking potatoes

1. Boiling and steaming 

2. Puree

3. Baking

4. Sautening and Pan Frying

5. Deep - Frying 

- Throughout human history grains have been the most important source of nutrients and calories sustain.

Dried Legumes
. A legumes is a plant that bears seed pods that split along two opposite sides when ripe.
. Do not confuse the English word legume with the French, which means " vegetables".
. Legumes are high in protein and, thus, are important in diets.
. Legumes are rich in B vitamins and minerals.

Types and Varieties of Dried Legumes


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